Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Days of His Life--Excerpts from Journals and Other Records

From 'A Look Back'
Marilyn Whittlesey, Church Historian, First Congregational Church of Blue Hill

Following are excerpts from the Church Records of 1820

March 23, 1820 At a meeting of the Brethren of the church at the Meeting house Mrs. Sally, wife of Daniel Osgood and Mr. Israel Wood gave a relation of God’s dealings with their souls and were accepted to the fellowship of the Church. Mrs. Patty, wife of Robert Clay gave a relation, but was deferred for the present. With respect to provision for the table there money enough on hand for the ensuing season, Vote not to assess any.
(Provision for the table --items for communion).

March 26 Mrs. Sally Osgood and Mr. Israel Wood made a public profession of religion.

May 2 A few of the Brethren met and adjourned till next preparatory lecture.

June 8 At a meeting of the Brethren of the church at the meeting house. A case referred to the Church by Br. N. Hinkley and Br. R. Dodge. Mr. Dodge as executor of the estate of Esq. Floyd, had inadvertently indorsed a land warrant to Mr. Coates of Boston, thro’ which said Coates appears to have fraudulently become possessed of the land, the loss to the heirs of Esq. Floyd being about $250. In behalf of the widow Floyd and Sophia Floyd, who is of age, Mr. Hinkley on his part and Mr. Dodge on his part agreed to abide by the judgment of the church. Thirteen members of the church marked on paper the sum which in their judgment Esq. Dodge ought to pay to the heirs of Esq. Floyd as compensation in part for the loss. The sums marked amounted to $1512, which divided by 13 quotes an average of $116 to be paid by Br. Dodge to said Heirs. Also as Betsy A. Floyd was not of age. Voted the Br. Dodge be at the risk of her taking advantage of the law to recover her full share. Proceeded to the choice of two persons to the office of Deacons in the church; the votes being examined were as follows,
Reuben Dodge – 16; Simeon Parker 14; Nehemiah Hinkley 6. The two former were declared chosen. Br. Dodge utterly declined. Br. Parker declined at first but finally consented to officiate next Lord’s Day. Vote to adjourn to our next sacramental lecture.

Aug 31 A charge of aggravated lying exhibited against Mrs. Lydia Clay by Br. N. Hinkley. Voted to defer the decision of the case till our next meeting.

Stay tuned for next time to find out what happens to Lydia Clay

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